I'm Phay.
I am a self-taught Filipino artist.
I make illustrations about my various personal interests.
I've been drawing since 2019.
My main mediums are digital, watercolor, and acrylics.

My Interests
Films: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, Good Omens, Spiderverse, MCU, The Owl House
Books: The Song of Achilles, TBDATE, TFTDATE, Looking for Alaska
Music: IDKHow But They Found Me, Zild, Cody Fry, Clem Turner, Joywave
Games: Dungeons and Dragons, Minecraft, Roblox

Works and Collaborations

Grab a Slice: A TMNT Bang
Moderator - Arts and Graphics Mod


> Basic DNI criteria <
> Proshippers <
> Haters <
> Scammers <
> Spammers <
> Random Self-Promoters <

Basic DNI Criteria

LGBTphobic, Close-minded people, Misogonystic, Sexist, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Racist, Ableist, Pedophile, Groomer